Monday, November 4, 2013

"Who Stole The Moon?"

"Who Stole the Moon?" The top-rated interactive children's book extends the horizon for languages!

Windy Press has released an updated version of its popular interactive book for children — "Who Stole The Moon?". The story can now be read and heard in 17 different languages. You can read it on the iPad and iPhone (special edition with enlarged font).

Chicago-based, Windy Press International Publishing House, LLC has released an update, (version 1.3), of its top-rated interactive musical book for children, "Who Stole The Moon?". It contains yet another language: Danish. Altogether, the story can now be read and heard in 17 different languages! Thanks to the redesigning of the pages and large font, the story is now available not only on the iPad, but on the iPhone as well.
*** Interactive book "Who Stole the Moon?" for iPad and for iPhone! ***
"Who Stole the Moon?" is an interactive musical picture book application. The fairy tale "Who Stole the Moon?" was written by the British writer Helen Stratton-Would and illustrated by well-known Russian artist Vlad Gerasimov. It's a story about little Bertie, who dreamed about becoming an astronaut. He loved to watch the moon shining through his skylight window every night as he lay in bed. One evening, though, the moon didn't appear in the sky.

"Who Stole the Moon?" With this serious question, "detective" Bertie set out on his adventure. Join Bertie on his quest with this charming bedtime story that will gently nurture your child's imagination and send them off into the magical world of dreams.

With the interactive book "Who Stole the Moon?", Windy Press makes an innovative step in creating a completely new genre in digital publishing — the e-musical. In addition to fine illustrations, vivid animation, as well as 4 mini-games, the book includes 8 original songs, performed by award-winning American children's singer Susie Tallman and well-known Australian musician Richard Pleasance. "Who Stole the Moon?" is available in many widely-spoken languages across the world and is narrated by professional actors.

The 17 languages with professional narrators include: English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Swedish, Dutch, Danish, Ukrainian, Czech, Turkish, Afrikaans.
— Editor's Choice Award by the Children's Technology Review
— #1 among top the 10 most interesting interactive children's apps for Apple gadgets. — Listed by Forbes
— 5+1 Stars and Gold Award for Excellent Children's App by Kinder App Garten (Germany)

*** Overview of "Who Stole the Moon?" ***
Title: "Who Stole the Moon?" Published by: Windy Press International Publishing House, LLC. Release date: March 05, 2012. Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Requires iOS 5.0 or later.
Price: US $4.99 for iPad, US $2.99 for iPhone.
Free Lite version also available (In-App Purchase: US $4.99/ US $2.99 accordingly)
iTunes AppStore:
Full iPad version:
Free iPad version:
Full iPhone version:
Free iPhone version:
*** Company website with promotional videos ***
Book page:
Media Kit:
Company site:

*** About the Company ***
Windy Press is an international innovative publishing house headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, USA. It's primary direction is the publication of interactive e-books for children and adults. Windy Press publications feature rich animated illustrations combined with original songs and mini games. At the heart of the unique "book musicals" of Windy Press lies an original cross-platform book engine. This technology gives new life to books that are both entertaining and educational. As the founder of the e-musical genre, Windy Press takes its special place among the pioneers of the digital publishing revolution.

*** Press Release Contact Information ***
Yuri Mezenko
Windy Press International Publishing House, LLC
P.O. Box 1541
Warrenville, IL 60555
Voice: (+1) 630-699-5832

Saturday, June 1, 2013

CVault container sales skyrocket due to cannabis legalization. Study shows zero THC loss in 6 months.

Trending Newswire Reports: The Cvault (cannabis vault) is a device used by herbal enthusiasts for storage with humidity stabilization in mind. The CVault container is tailor designed to contain Boveda humidity control packs which maintain the internal container humidity to around 62%. Amidst this niche market segment, the CVault has been hailed by the underground community as a legendary curing and cannabis storage container. Thousands of users across the web from Youtube and cannabis message boards speculate about weather the CVault is the ultimate contender as the foremost high end cannabis container.

A report published by The Werc Shop, Inc. a team of California Ph.D. scientists dedicated to setting the standard in clean effective cannabis medications, and regulating accuracy and product quality, has been made public April 29, 2013, which examines the CVaults stability. The report studies the stability and performance of the CVault container system for the storage of medical cannabis. Werc Shop designed a suitable testing protocol to inspect the CVault performance.

The test results revealed the amazing stability of the CValut over more than 160 days. Freshly dried flowers remained fresh upon storage in the CVault container when including the 62% Boveda pack. The Werc Shop reviewed data from a digital logger that captured the relative humidity readings throughout the experiment. The CVault was consistently stable throughout the experiment, only varying while being opened, even when the ambient conditions in the room fluxed through considerable variability. No THC was lost on the plant material kept inside of the CVault over 160 days of storage. This is a remarkable accomplishment, and impacts the growers associations and pot industry overall.

"Sales of the CVault have skyrocketed since the legalization of cannabis" reports Cvault's director of social media, May Levy. "This Four Twenty we saw triple the volume of last year." April 20 is a big day in the business, as the statistic of Americans who have smoked cannabis totaling more than 100 million. "The report from Werc plus all our awesome CVault customers out there spreading the buzz, have caused enormous sales growth this quarter." Levy reports. The companies plans to expand include additional sizes added to the companies already diverse product line which includes pocket and desk sized CVaults, to industrial mammoth sized units to support varied needs.

The Werc study showed conclusively, that Medical cannabis stored in the CVault remains exceptionally stable over long periods of time as exhibited by this independently performed study that lasted 168 days. Minimal weight loss due to evaporation of water was observed and no THC loss was shown to occur. Werc certified the CVault as a headline awardee of the "Certified Cannabaceuticals™" status. The program helps ensure quality and safety of medical cannabis products.

For more info visit

Thursday, April 18, 2013

"I became them" Brilliant new poetry by Shainur Ullah

When I studied them, I became interested
When I became interested, I heard of them
When I heard of them, I saw them
When I saw them, I met them
And when I met them, I became them.

By Shainur Ullah


I like this exploration of how things influence us, and how it means that we become at total of all the experiences we have, whether we like it or not. A great concise shwoing of how that happens. Well Done!

This is brilliant and insightful! I wouldn't change a thing. It is exactly how i feel when I discover a new (well,new to me) branch of history, new genre of books, or a form of art. Thank you for expressing that feeling of oneness to every new study in life

This is how it all works!! Getting to the bottom of things requires getting there first, once there one becomes one with them. I am impressed by this relatively simple equation that you have put in place which is both effective and true at all times.

You have a great gift for capturing much in the smallest of nets. One is then left to marvel at the valuable treasures therein. Excellent write and read!!! applauded

Simple but efficient ! It pictures the stages one could go through once introduced to particular knowledge that one finds interest in , I suppose and when i met them ,i became them could be interpreted as the influence someone had upon you in a positive way .It could also be though them you identified something that you desired in life and wanted so badly to have .Once you saw that it is achieveble "i became them " .It.s as if when we see something we want in others we try to copy them or imitate them so we can have what they have to ! Hope this makes sense !

the poem can be interpreted in a dark foreboding sense or in the Sufi tradition of 'Oneness'. 

This is an interesting introspection into the social structure and process behind the scenes of life. Very true and to the point. Nicely done.

Cancer Girl

Cancer girl is about a girl with blood cancer and when she falls in love, her cancer gets cured and when they break up her cancer comes back.

I published this on wattpad, I am not getting paid for the short story, but I would love readers and people to comment and like and I have faith this short story will affect a lot of people in a good way as cancer is a huge killer and we all know a person with cancer, or died from cancer that we wished were cured.

I'd love for you to spread this short story around and hope to make people feel better, again I get no profit but if i see people commenting and liking and just getting the recognition and seeing they are happy is enough for me.

It is sort of a fairy tale, but a 21st century fairy tale, with cancer being the plague and love is the cure. My aim is to make you happy and I would love it if you spread this short story, cancer girl to any effected familes dealing with cancer or someone who has cancer, i want to put hope and faith in them.

Read it for yourself and let your heart melt:

Thursday, January 3, 2013

FreshStor's FreshStor's Cutting Edge CVault

Having problems with wilted herbs, soggy tobacco or even dry tobacco?  Are you wasting money by having to throw your herbs and tobacco every so often?  You are in need of storage that keeps your herbs and tobacco fresh.  The answer is CVault!

FreshStor has developed a series of CVault containers that control humidity and has been branded as the ULTIMATE SOLUTION FOR FRESH HERBS AND PREMIUM ROLLING TOBACCO.
Each CVault canister is made of stainless steel with seals made of silicon rubber that will not dry or crack.  It has 3 clamps that secures the lid to tack in freshness and is embedded with a built-in 62% Humidipack on the top lids.   The Humidipak keeps tobacco at around 13% humidity for ideal freshness.   After testing, even after 6 months or more of storage, tobacco kept in the CVault canisters remained fresh.  Even very dry tobacco will be rehydrated, and tobacco that is too moist will be optimized as well in only a few days! No more soggy or dry tobacco! Its ingenious design allows to add or reduce moisture for perfect balance.  No other container can do both like CVault. With brackets inside the lid of each CVault canister, there are no worries of the Humidipak ever touching your blend. 

Are you afraid of having to spend money on a pack for each use? No worrries! They are long lasting packs that last for months with replacements easily purchased at FreshStor at great affordable prices.   Replacements come in 2 sizes, 8 grams for most canister sizes and 60 gram for larger containers.   

Bestselling canister is the 1.5 liter, although they come in smaller sizes for few ounces of tobacco and even bigger sizes (1 liter – 4.4 gallons) for even more tobacco.   The largest Cvault canister can hold pounds of tobacco or even several bags.   You can now keep all your tobacco safe and ready for the next use today, tomorrow or even next month! 

Each canister is made in the highest quality for durability with style in mind.  Save time and money!  You will never have to waste another herb or tobacco because they have wilted, they are soggy or dry.  Your problem has been solved! At a great price you can get Freshstor’s CVault- the ultimate solution for fresh herbs and premium rolling tobacco.

ORDER NOW! Go to and upon checkout use coupon code: RYO for discount.

800 Calorie HCG Diet for 2013 Offers a Money Back Guarantee

You can try natural our new potent natural HCG Weight Loss Drops with full confidence thanks to a money back guarantee. Weight Loss Miami, Fl. December 31, 2012 24-7PressRelease If you've have been thinking about losing weight for 2013 there is no need to wait any further.’s new 800 calorie HCG diet plan with the most potent HCG comes with a full money back guarantee. You will get your full purchase price, no questions asked if you are not satisfied with our weight loss products. The natural hormone HCG not only burns body fat, but suppresses appetite and cravings by its effect on the appetite centers of the brain. Coupled with the brand new 800 calorie HCG diet for 2013 you can eat right, stay active and still lose weight without hunger, cravings or crazy exercises. After five years on the market, we are so confident in our natural product, we have made it easy for dieters to see for themselves the same results that thousands of our patients have found. You will not believe what you will discover without having to spend hundreds of dollars or take any financial risk You can start enjoying the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and natural weight loss today. "Our experience with thousands of dieters in the past five years has shown us that our products coupled with our extraordinary food plans offer fast, safe and reliable weight loss” writes founder and endocrinologist, Richard Lipman M.D. If you are ready to lose weight in 2013, feel great and keep the weight off, now is the time to begin. There is no better way to start then with BestBuy HCG. It's easy, natural, clinically proven, and risk free. To learn more about HCG weight loss, please visit